Thursday, December 27, 2007

snow day

it was a cold n blustry day , but the big rocks were slowly becoming little ones , trucks were getting loaded, the boss came by to see how it was going, i asked if he thought it would stay foggy or go ahead and snow. he said press on it would just be nasty the rest of the day. with that he left. he had not even made the hiway(7 miles) when the snow started, within just a few min. the dispatcher called and said send em home befor they can't get there! happy snow day to us!


Sandy said...

and then your lovely wife served you a steaming hot, home-cooked meal! Sometimes it's all just good.

Princess Jewelee said...

YEA!!!! Everyone loves a snowday :D

Megnificent said...

brrr, i could swear i see icicles on your beard.