Monday, December 8, 2008

Fun Monday - Christmas Carols

I don't normally participate in Fun Monday but my wife talked me into this one. Mamalang is our hostess this week and this is our assignment: It's the Christmas season, and I want you to tell us what are your three favorite Christmas Carols and a picture of your favorite Christmas "thing". It could be a Christmas tree, or your mantle, or a church, you in a Santa hat.
My three favorite Christmas carols are:

Snoopy and the Red Baron

Silent Night

Christmas Time in Texas

and for my favorite Christmas thing? It's this.

Midnight Mass - which is no longer at midnight in our parish. It's usually around 9:00 p.m. due to the age of our parishioners, our weather, and I think partially out of consideration for our overworked priests.


Hootin Anni said...

Midnight mass....I haven't been to one of those since I was a child!!! Great choice!!!

Happy Fun Monday.

Pamela said...

I like the Christmas Eve church gatherings to sing (light candles) etc.

Those line dancing Santas are wonderful!!!

I'm going to cry if I hear any more Bing Crosby songs. He brings back so many memories.

Ali said...

Love the dancing Santas :-)

Sayre said...

I miss Midnight Mass at midnight. That was part of what made Christmas Eve so cool.

Jan n Jer said...

I too Love Christmas eve service, but I usually go to the 7pm one. Snoopy and the red baron is also one of my favorite Christmas songs.

Mamalang said...

Those are great! We sang the Snoopy song as part of our version of Your A Good Man Charlie Brown in high school!