Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tagged? Who, me?

I was tagged, along with the rest of my family, by the Megnificent Meg. So, Meg, just how weird to you think we are? That was strictly rhetorical, of course. I know how weird we are.

Rules: (1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. (4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their site.

  1. There has to be Spam in my pantry or I feel destitute and poor.
  2. Things must be put back where they came from. It doesn't have to be where they belong but it must be where they came from.
  3. I can be a little rigid.
  4. I have to get dressed in the following order (do not picture this in your brain); left sock, right sock, underwear, left boot, right boot, tie left boot, tie right boot. If somehow I get out of order, I am off kilter all day.
  5. I do not like being late.
  6. I have to have the same pocket calendar year after year after year. This is VERY important.

There you have it. and because I am pathetic and because my wife and my daughter have already tagged everyone we know and some folks that we don't, I am not gonna tag anyone.


Megnificent said...

So you go to work in only laced up boots and undies? NICE!

Clay loves Spam, too. With canned chili on top. *cringe*

Princess Jewelee said...

Sooo not fair. you took my comment Meg

Sandy said...

Chili on Spam???? That's just wrong. Just don't ever ask him about the Spam on the fence post, Meg.