Saturday, February 9, 2008

Round Robin - Vegetables

This week's Round Robin challenge is vegetables. My vegetable, and yes, I know it's not really a vegetable, is corn. My favorite way to eat corn is on the hoof.

Corn in the field

Corn in feed trucks

Turning corn into ethanol

Corn in the feed trough

Corn syrup to mix in the cattle feed

They're feeding us this why? Are you sure?
They named you T-Bone?


Anonymous said...

I love corn...especially when it's popped with lots of salt and butter. Add the movie. What could be better?

Nancy said...

Very cool....but corn really isn't a veggie? I never knew that!


MyMaracas said...

I love this! What a great idea and photo set. And "T-bone"... LOL


charish said...

Corn is very good. We love to eat it all the time.

Anonymous said...

When I lived in Ohio, there was a sweet corn called cream and sugar. I could eat it morning, noon, and night. I even bought bushels one year froze over 3 dozen bags and ate on the all winter. There are some things I miss. Oh, fresh corn and a T-bone. Doesn't get much better that that!

Robinella said...

Love when summer rolls around and the corn starts growing. I love that sort of sour smell from the fields because I know the corn will be sweet.

Having said that. Corn is bad for you! Too bad, huh?

Sandra said...

I almost posted corn pics. Thanks for sharing!

Sandcastle Momma said...

I love your pictures! Corn is one of my favorites but I had no idea it wasn't a vegetable. And I have to say those cows are looking pretty tasty LOL

Carly said...

Hi Shorty :)

Neat photos all around. You've showed us a much different side of the challenge. That makes me smile. Corn... oh my yum... I wish it was summer, I like it best in the summer when we BBQ.

Always, Carly

Suzanne R said...

Corn is one of my very favorite . . . non-veggies? ;-) I always have thought it was a vegetable; after all, it's located under veggies in cookbooks. LOL! This is a neat take on the Challenge -- great job!

Karen Funk Blocher said...

Corn on the hoof! I love it! All part of the Great Chain of Being, or the Rich Tapestry of Life, or the food supply chain, or something. Thanks for showing us the threads/links!

Unknown said...

I love, love, love corn! Little dab of butter and a dash or two of salt. Yummilicious!

Anonymous said...

Nice entry. Now if you'll excuse me I think I need to go get some corn for breakfast, yum!

MariesImages said...

Very interesting entry~
Love farm fresh sweet corn in the summer months, loaded with butter!!!
Mmmmmmm, yum!

Ingrid said...

Corn is a vegetable, just like potatoes and I love to eat it grilled with a little butter and salt !

Janet said...

Yum, I love corn!

Kiva said...

Corn isn't a vegetable? Then why is sweet corn the state veggie of New York? I'm so confused... Neat way of approaching the subject.My husband agrees with you -- corn on the hoof is best, but creamed corn comes in a close second.